Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Oh Holy BFP! 7-25-2009

I was feeling incredibly down about this cycle. I was convinced that not only was I not pregnant, that I never would be. I vented to the wonderful women on the WebMD TTC 6 Months and Still Trying boards, and really just went through an all around pity party. My chart looked dismal to me, I really didn't see any hope. When my temperature dipped and the mild cramping started, I thought for sure AF was on her witchy way. Come Friday I decided to break down and buy some HPT's, since I was already at the drugstore and I still hadn't gotten my period. My intention was to not test until Tuesday if AF had still stayed away, but with all the encouraging posts on the message board and my huge temp jump Saturday morning, I just had to pee on a stick, lol. At first it looked like yet another disappointment, but all the sudden my eyes adjusted and I saw that + sign on the EPT. I couldn't believe it. All logic escaped me and I had to look at the directions for the test to make sure the + actually meant I was pregnant. Emotion took over me, I was sobbing and shaking, I just couldn't believe it. All the elaborate ways I had planned to tell Brad when this moment finally came were out the window, I walked out of the bathroom, two tests in hand, and he just looked at me dumbfounded. I can't blame him. It's a little scary when your wife comes out of the bathroom at 7:30am on a Saturday crying the way I was. I managed to sit next to him on the bed and shove the tests in his face, barely mumbling the words "we did it" in between my sobs. He said "I thought you were supposed to be happy?" I was happy. These were the happiest tears I'd ever cried. I was elated, overwhelmed with emotion. We finally did it!

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