Wednesday, November 18, 2009

3rd Ultrasound 8-21-09-My little peanut

We went for the last of my weekly ultrasounds today, I'm not sure when I'll get another one. It's so amazing to see how my our little one grows in just 7 days. I'll really miss getting to see the progress. Hopefully I'll get another one soon. The baby is 14.14mm now and measuring 7 weeks 5 days. (S)he actually looks like an unshelled peanut now, though obviously much smaller. The little heartbeat was pounding away-up to 158bpm. The stupid doctor never turned the monitor to me so I could see, but Brad was able to. I just had to settle for the new picture and hearing the heartbeat again. Still absolutely wonderful Big Smile It still blows my mind that I have this little life growing inside of me. I've wanted this for so long, it's very surreal. I've still managed to avoid morning sickness, by the grace of God. Pretty much I'm just really tired all of the time. The breast tenderness comes and goes (it's back today), and I still pee more than I used to. Other than that, nothing to speak of, and no complaints either way!

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