Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Big Ultrasound 11-17-09

I just never get tired of seeing our baby!!! Today was the big ultrasound, the anatomy scan. They take a crazy amount of measurements-most of the time we couldn't even tell what we were looking at, lol. But when we did get to see Peanut as a whole, it was so awesome. And it's confirmed-we're having a GIRL!!!! We already were told it was probable, but it was still a big YAY! to get confirmation. Big Smile She's just as cute as ever. It's crazy to look at her the last couple times. Since there's no real fat built up yet, you can see the bones so clear. It's amazing to stare at her spine! The tech said they didn't measure the length of the body-which I thought was odd. So I don't know how long she is at this point, but she was measuring around 12 ounces. Almost a pound! Wooh! The doctor said she was measuring on target and everything looked good right now. He through me through a loop though because he turned the subject to my diabetes and how he didn't think my sugars were where he'd ideally want them to be. I'm like...what!?!?!?!? I'm 5 months pregnant, I fax my sugars to my endocrinologist weekly. Why am I just NOW getting new goals. It was kind of scary to me, knowing the complications my diabetes can contribute to. I felt like he was setting me up for bad news. But he assured me that Peanut is doing just fine, so I guess he was just being diligent, being he's a high risk doc. But I'll tell you, my A1c, which is a 3 month average of blood sugar, has been ideal. The doctor's wanted it at at 6.5 before I could get pregnant. My last one was a 5.5! I just can't see how my sugars could be hurting the baby when I think they've been pretty damn good! I do struggle with my fasting numbers in the morning though, and regardless, I'm going to talk to my endocrine to make sure we're all on the same page.

I had an appt. with the OB's office tonight (the ultrasound was at the hospital's Maternal Fetal Unit). Typical appointment. You sit in the waiting room for 45 minutes for a 5 minute meet and greet with the doctor, lol. He did find peanut's heartbeat with the doppler, and told me she sounded really happy Smile I guess he could hear her wiggling around and her heartbeat was great. That brought a smile to my face. I've gained 6lbs so far, which I don't think is too bad for being 20weeks.

Here's our beautiful baby girl!

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