Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Telling the folks

Well, we did it! Shared the news with the grandparents :). Friday night Brad and I went to my Grandfather's for a family get together. Not the most private place to give up information you aren't ready to share with the world yet, but oh well. By the time we got there, my dad had gone home because he wasn't feeling well. I decided to tell my mom anyway, figuring I'd stop off to see my dad on the way home and share the news with him too. I had photo cards made at CVS, as you can see in the pic below, for each of our parents. So I sat by my mom in the kitchen where they were very few people around and gave her the card. She started crying, so I hugged her and said "shhhhhhhhhhhhh". Lol, I tried to play it off by saying "we just wanted to do something nice for you guys" as loud as I could without being obvious. She was so happy! We swung by to see my dad as promised and showed him the card as well. He congratulated us and asked "how many?" lol, as in how many babies I was having. I'm like, um, multiples for me! It was a reasonable question since he took my fertility treatments into consideration, but even with the Clomid, my chance of twins is only 7%, so it's not too likely. We chatted for a bit and then headed home. I was so exhausted I could barely keep my eyes open-I guess the fatigue is starting to set in.

I got a call from my mom the next day. Apparently my cousin's girlfriend, who I had met for the first time the night before, had figured out I was pregnant and opened her stupid mouth to my aunt and God knows who else. It's annoying, but I'm not too mad. It's just a.) too early to tell the world and b.) our news to tell. Some people are so inconsiderate, but whatever. I'm too busy gloating over being pregnant to really care about the ignorant people in this world.

Next came the in-laws. We went over Brad's parents on Sunday for dinner. I had the same card for them as we gave my parents, and despite his earlier warning of "let's not do it right away" Brad eagerly brought me my purse without provacation while I was sitting on the couch and waited anxiously for me to pull the card out. His parents read it together and at first, his mom simply said "that's cute." Not exactly the reaction I was anticipating, but I waited. She flipped it over to read the personalized note I had written on the back which was addressed to "mum-mum and pot-pot" (pot-pot comes from the fact that we have a running joke about my father-in-law being a potted plant after a particular night down the shore. We think it's adorable, but he won't use it because he's afraid people will associate it with marijuana) Still, no reaction. She must have just gotten to the part that said "I'll be blooming in 9 months" when she burst with excitement. Lol, it was so funny, the whole time she had no idea what the card was trying to tell her. My father-in-law said "It's about time, I was wondering when you'd figure it out." It was great. Of course everyone is excited and we can't wait for all 4 of them to meet their grandbaby!

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