Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The First Blood Test 7/27/2009

I went for my first blood test on Monday, to confirm I am indeed pregnant. The nurse kindly called me late morning Tuesday to give me the results. My quantative HCG was 220 and my Progesterone level was 9.1. She said that my Progesterone level was a little low, not a cause for grave concern, but they started me on Progesterone Suppositories 2x a day to make sure my numbers stay where they should be. I consulted with alot of women who have gone through this, and I feel confident that it's really not a big deal. I go for another round of bloodwork tomorrow (7/30), and as long as my HCG numbers at least double, the baby is ok for now. I'm still so worried something will go wrong. I'm sure it's the natural reaction to all things pregnancy-especially when you fought so long just to see that little + sign. I'm really trying to stay cautiously optimistic and not stress myself out about it, but I can't help feeling like something could be wrong. Physically, I'm totally fine. I think that's part of what freaks me out. So far, none of the dreaded morning sickness or constipation. Just tender breasts and the beginnings of the frequent bathroom trips associated with being pregnant. But one step at a time, for now, I'm just overjoyed to be pregnant.

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