Monday, July 13, 2009

I'm starting a movement...

It's dedicated entirely to the abolishment of Mondays. I hate them. I really, really do. Nothing good comes from Mondays. And I feel it's safe to say, unless you are happily unemployed or a drunken college student, you probably hate Mondays too. They're the dreaded end to whatever fun and/or relaxing things you did on the high holy days known as Saturday and Sunday. The beginning of another annoying, stressful, boring, and overall hellish work week. I'll be honest, if I had the remote control from Click, I would, without hesitation, fast forward the time between 7am Monday and 5:30pm Friday. I'm sorry, but it's unlikely I'd miss anything of importance.

I know what you all are thinking. If we abolish Mondays, then Tuesday will be the new Monday, and thus, what's the point? Not true my friends, not true. Ever worked a 4 day week? Was it not unequivocally better? Mondays are the bane of our existence. No good can come from them. None. Nada. Nil. So, for the sake of all our sanity, please, join me. Join the movement for the utter destruction of Mondays.

On another note, lol. I had a decent weekend (before, of course, being tainted by the horror that is a Monday morning). We enjoyed cocktails, burgers, and swimming with Joe and Mer Friday night. Unfortunately, we had to avoid the Jacuzzi since it's bad for Brad's swimmers and my eggs. It was chilly, but luckily the pool was heated, so as long as I stayed underwater I was warm. :) The RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist-you all will get used to my lingo) thought I'd ovulate on Friday, so imagine my serious annoyance at the fact that it's *sigh* Monday, and I have yet to have the temp spike indicative of an egg release. I have no idea what's up with that. At this point, I think if I ever get pregnant it will be a miracle.

So for now, the only positive thing I really have to look forward to is our yearly vacation to OBX. 48 days and counting. It can't come soon enough. Here's a peek at the gorgeous digs we'll be enjoying come September. Sadly, again, we'll be avoiding the hot tub, but other than that, couldn't be better!

1 comment:

  1. Kristy-- that house is absolutely gorgeous inside and out!!!

