Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Oh boy I've fallen behind!!!

Wow, I'm a total slacker Confused It's been 2 months since I've given a Peanut update, I'm so sorry for being so horrible.

I think our little one has made it so easy for me to slack off, since this has been such an event free pregnancy so far. I've skipped all the bad stuff-no morning sickness, no heartburn (yet), no (tmi) constipation. I've just been a happy, sometimes moody, preggo. It's still hard to believe, really surreal, I keep waiting for the ball to drop. I'm so excited to be a mother, and I'm reminded more and more the closer we get to the holidays. I can't wait to bring Santa back to life through my child's eyes!! I just can't wait to hold our baby in my arms.

Week 13 started a little eventful for me. As far as I'm concerned, it began my 2nd trimester, so that was a great feeling. I found the baby's heartbeat at home with my doppler, yay!!! I had a little scare that week. I hadn't been feeling well, so I decided to take a day off on 9/30. I noticed I was spotting a little, and called the doctor just to make sure everything was ok. I wasn't too panicked, but you can't be too careful. They had me come in, did an exam, and of course, everything was fine. I continued to have occasional spotting for the next week or so, but it tapered off. What a way to start my 2nd Tri!

16 weeks brought our 2 year wedding anniversary, our 9th year together, and another ultrasound Big Smile We got to see our little peanut on 10/20, our 9 year "dating" anniversary, and I begged the tech to give us her guess on the gender. We got our guess, but decided to hold off on the shopping spree until we get confirmation at our next ultrasound. Sadly, she only printed us 2 pictures, and they were not very good, so nothing to post here Sad But we have our BIG ultrasound on 11/17-only a few short days away! So hopefully we'll get some great pics, and find out for sure what we're having-as long as peanut feels like cooperating, lol.

We got the results from the Sequential Screening, everything looked good. We screened negative for all 3 things, and my risk percentages looked good. So why it certainly doesn't rule out Down's, Trisomy 18, or Neural Tube Defects, it is a relief to know my chances are low.

My belly is starting to fill out, so I'm beginning to look a little pregnant, and not just fat. Well, in my opinion anyway. I can still wear my regular pants-if I cheat a little by looping a hair tie through the button hole and around the button to give me a little more room in the waist. Really, though, the maternity clothes are so much more comfortable! I still haven't felt any kicks, just some stretching pains so far I think. But I listen to the heartbeat every night, and I swear the doppler picks up the baby's movement as well. It's so cool!

That's about it for now. Here's my 19 week belly pics, and I promise to post again after our ultrasound on Tuesday!

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