Monday, July 13, 2009

I'm starting a movement...

It's dedicated entirely to the abolishment of Mondays. I hate them. I really, really do. Nothing good comes from Mondays. And I feel it's safe to say, unless you are happily unemployed or a drunken college student, you probably hate Mondays too. They're the dreaded end to whatever fun and/or relaxing things you did on the high holy days known as Saturday and Sunday. The beginning of another annoying, stressful, boring, and overall hellish work week. I'll be honest, if I had the remote control from Click, I would, without hesitation, fast forward the time between 7am Monday and 5:30pm Friday. I'm sorry, but it's unlikely I'd miss anything of importance.

I know what you all are thinking. If we abolish Mondays, then Tuesday will be the new Monday, and thus, what's the point? Not true my friends, not true. Ever worked a 4 day week? Was it not unequivocally better? Mondays are the bane of our existence. No good can come from them. None. Nada. Nil. So, for the sake of all our sanity, please, join me. Join the movement for the utter destruction of Mondays.

On another note, lol. I had a decent weekend (before, of course, being tainted by the horror that is a Monday morning). We enjoyed cocktails, burgers, and swimming with Joe and Mer Friday night. Unfortunately, we had to avoid the Jacuzzi since it's bad for Brad's swimmers and my eggs. It was chilly, but luckily the pool was heated, so as long as I stayed underwater I was warm. :) The RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist-you all will get used to my lingo) thought I'd ovulate on Friday, so imagine my serious annoyance at the fact that it's *sigh* Monday, and I have yet to have the temp spike indicative of an egg release. I have no idea what's up with that. At this point, I think if I ever get pregnant it will be a miracle.

So for now, the only positive thing I really have to look forward to is our yearly vacation to OBX. 48 days and counting. It can't come soon enough. Here's a peek at the gorgeous digs we'll be enjoying come September. Sadly, again, we'll be avoiding the hot tub, but other than that, couldn't be better!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Trials and tribulations...ahhh the joys of TTC

If by some miracle there is so much as one person out there that doesn't already know, Brad and I are indeed trying to add a little human to our happy home.

For those of you that, like me, lived in fear of unplanned pregnancies throughout most of your life, let me tell you this: what a freaking joke. I realize that for some folks getting pregnant is about as easy as flipping on a light switch, but for others it's like pulling out your teeth. One at a time. Without anesthetic. Brad and I have been going through the motions for 10, going on 11, months now. I learned pretty quickly there was more to it than skipping the birth control. Thank God for the WebMD Trying to Conceive (TTC) message boards or I'd still be going by the information I learned in middle school health class. Not that it's done me much good. Without the gory details, let me just tell you that with irregular cycles it's a pain in the ass to time baby making. I'm not in college anymore. I don't have the stamina to do the deed everyday for 30 days straight. It's absurd. Sperm can live in optimal conditions for max 5 days, and that's streching it. An egg is "alive", so to speak, for 12-24 hours at best. So yeah, all those 16 year olds that get pregnant their "first time" are seriously cursed. There's about 5 days max in anyone's cycle that can result in pregnancy. Figures it's the ones that aren't trying that dumb luck their way into motherhood.

Me on the other hand. Well, it's taking my temperature at 7:15 every morning, even on the weekends. Nothing like the sound of your alarm bright and early on a Saturday. It's timing sex to the point that a good amount of the romance is gone, the spontaneity for sure. About 7 months into trying I decided to see a specialist. Since then it's 2 vaginal ultrasounds a month-oh joy, testing, bloodwork, fertility drugs. I can't tell you how much money I've spent on pregnancy tests. If I ever see those mythical 2 pink lines I may die of the shock. And oh so much more! It's mood swings, crying fits, self-pity, anger, hopelessness. It's clinging to every barely noticeable change in your body, any inkling that this could be it, clawing at the hope I can't kill no matter how hard I try.

I'm not a patient person. By any means. I seriously thought that I'd get knocked up right away. I fully expected to have my little one by now. God knows I'm not alone. Turns out a hefty portion of wanna be mommies struggle with trying to get pregnant. Even the healthiest of couples can take up to a year to concieve. Figures. Nothing's ever as easy as it seems. Yet all the trash out there that should have their legs glued together seem to pop out babies like pez. This universe sure is a wacky place.

I can say this with all certainty though: my child will be LOVED. There will never come a time when it will question whether it was wanted. And I know, without a doubt, that if this struggle, this journey, ultimately produces a tiny version of Brad and I, that I would do it all again in a heartbeat. There's nothing I want more in this world.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Life measured in lemons

So I've heard many variations of the old "when life gives you lemons" adage. It seems to me that all of us can base at least a smidgen of our makeup on which way we choose to interpret the old saying. I personally have found 3 favorites that stick out to me. 3 that best describe the different ways we deal with life.

Make lemonade. Ahhh, to be the person that always finds the positive in things. The sun on a cloudy day, the color in a sea of black, the meaning behind the most cryptic of words. You know the people that abide by this version. The ones that inevitably make you want to punch them in the face for their inhuman level of optimism. Sure, lemonade. Sorry, but I'm not made of sugar.

Find a guy wit
h Vodka and throw a party. I'd say about 80% of the human population embraces this philosophy. It presents itself as a fusion of the peaches and fairy dust the Lemonaders are made of and the "screw it" attitude that comes with the ultimate indifference many of us prefer. Sure, these folks can still make the best of the situation. Give me lemons, I'll keep drinking until I'm poluted enough to not give a damn about the sour taste they leave behind. The Partyers take what comes...with a grain of salt.

Say f*ck t
he lemons and bail. How could this not be a favorite? The Bailers just don't give a sh*t. You can chuck lemons at their heads until there is a pool of sour juice and pulp at their feet, they'll just ignore you. Who wants to deal with a 10lb bag of yellow fruit anyway? Run away! they say. If you ignore it, it will eventually go away. These guys aren't pessimistic, per se, they just can't be bothered to deal with life. If it's not sweet, why put any effort into it? For example, when I began typing this blog this morning. And it sounded a thousand times funnier and more intelligent than this pile of dung. And I hit the clear button twice and it erased the whole damn thing. And I wanted to scream in frustration and throw my phone against the wall. BUT, instead, I said F it. And graced you with this half-assed version instead. Hope you like it. :)

Monday, July 6, 2009

It was bound to happen eventually...

As dull and insignificant as my life can feel after the doldrums of the everyday world eat away my very being, I somehow still think I'll find some relief through writing. Words and meaning never seem out of reach to me, my degree in English a standing testament to my love of writing and reading. But don't expect too much from this. It inevitably will evolve into a boring blog of rants and inconsequential happenings in my all but exciting life. So yes, this is more an outlet for me than a means to provide any measurable amount of insight to the rest of you. And moreso this is about the extent of how existential and deep as my wrting will be. From here on out I can promise you nothing more than the blurting of the trivial and meaningless events I succumb to with perhaps the glint of the occassional importance. :)